Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 written Wednesday 1/18/12 cont. winter plans, church volunteering and the cat's toy...

We need to make plans for something fun for us to do this winter. Then we will have something to look forward to. There are a lot of free local newspapers outside of the library. I need to get some and see what is happening around town.

We signed up to volunteer at church in the kid area. I am not sure if we should go to an earlier service and then volunteer during the next service, or volunteer first. I am really looking forward to getting to help. We volunteered at our last church. It will help us meet more people too.

Our cat got some toys for Christmas. His favorite is round and plastic and has a ball inside that can go around on a little track. He can reach in with his paw and move the ball, but the ball can't come out. He likes to play with it, but he doesn't like us to watch him play. If he catches us watching him, then he steps back from the toy and looks around like he is saying "I wasn't playing with it, it wasn't me." When we leave the room he will go back to it.

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