Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday 7/12/08 books, solar power and bike rides...

The girls wanted to go to the library. In their summer homework books there is a list of recommended reading for their grade. They both copied down their list of books so that they can look for the books. I am glad that they are interested in reading.
We looked at the solar books last night. It is more complicated that just buying a solar panel...but I still think that we may be able to do this. The books list a lot of web sites that tell about solar power. We are going to go to these to ask some questions. We think that we need a solar panel and a converter, but we don't know where to buy the converter or how much it will cost. William says that we need to be sure that we don't end up with more electricity than the toaster needs.
We are going to go on our first bike ride today. Our tire pump quit working and so we need to go to the bike shop and get our tires filled and get a new pump. I hope that all of the tires are ok...if they say that one tire needs repaired and they need to keep the bike, then we can't go on the bike ride. Everyone was able to find their bike helmet, and all of them still fit. I was worried that we wouldn't be able to find them since we have been packing to move. I hope that it all works out.

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