Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sunday 5/18/08 Exercising...

I have started to exercise again. I went to the Goodwill store to find a smaller computer table. I couldn't find one in the front of the store where the furniture is, but when I looked in the back of the store, I saw the tops of lamps. When I went back there, there wasn't any other furniture in the lamp area. Next to the lamps there were videos. I started looking for videos for the kids, but there were a few exercise videos that looked fun. The more I looked, the more exercise videos I found. Five exercise videos went home with me and a few movies for the kids. The tapes were mostly $2.00 each.
I had seen a few exercise infomercials that said to loose weight a person needed to do different types of exercise every day. I am guessing that this is to keep the body from falling into a routine. Each day...ok, not each day, but when I do exercise...I go to the next tape. I am only exercising for about five minutes, but I feel that it is better than not exercising at all.
Today was the ''Balanced Workout'', next time is ''Yoga'', then ''Qigong'', then ''Crunch Fat Buster Plus''...etc...
I don't re-wind each tape each day. The tape is left where it is when I am done exercising, and when it gets back to the top of the pile, I will start up where I left off. This does mean that when I am far enough into each tape, I will not be using the warm-up section, so I will need to do some stretching on my own before I start each tape.
It has been very interesting to work on seven different styles of exercising all at once.

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